October 16, 2009

Piggy Blues

{via: Google}

Hi dolls!!
I hope you all had a marvelous week.
I'm starting to believe the old saying, "When it rains, it pours."
In my life right now, you bet it does.
I will give you an update on Mom when her biopsy comes back next week.
Right now, I need to tell you whats going on over here at the Underwood house.
Nicholas, Davony and myself have SWINE.
Thank God we caught it early.
Tamiflu, please help us kick this in the butt.
Before Monday preferably.
When we left the Dr. we explained to Nick that he has something called the Piggy Flu.
I was tucking him in today and he said Mommy do you have the Piggy Blues too..
I almost died laughing.

Thank you Nick Nick for making me smile when I feel so bad!
So, while Im disenfecting my house, my kids, Hubbs and myself
enjoy your weekend loves.

Here's to a weekend full of coughing, sneezing, aching, chills and fever!

Talk to ya Monday,


Shea Posey said...

Oh no!!! I hope you guys get well soon!!!

jules said...

Hope you are all feeling better soon.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I hope you guys are on the mend! Dirty piggy.

Martinis or Diaper Genies? said...

OMG you really have swines for real>!?